Publications Association between retinal vascular measures and brain white matter lesions in schizophrenia narenJune 5, 2023July 12, 2023 naren Website Posts created 20
T PublicationsJune 5, 2023July 12, 2023 The frontal pole and cognitive insight in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
E PublicationsJune 5, 2023July 12, 2023 Effect of national cultural dimensions and HIV prevalence rates on stigma towards people living with HIV/AIDS
D PublicationsJune 5, 2023July 12, 2023 Dilemma of self vs others’ interest: Altruistic behaviour in schizophrenia and the role of vasopressin
E PublicationsJune 5, 2023July 12, 2023 Echo of reading – The forgotten psychopathology: A case report