“To co-operate or not?” Risky co-operative behavior in Schizophrenia and the effect of vasopressin
Echo of reading – The forgotten psychopathology: A case report
Effect of national cultural dimensions and consumption rates on stigma toward alcohol and substance use disorders
Psychosis and COVID 19: Is it time to pre-emptively revise advanced directives
Association between retinal vascular caliber and brain structure in schizophrenia
The frontal pole and cognitive insight in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
Add on yoga treatment for negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A multi-centric, randomized controlled trial
Dilemma of self vs others’ interest: Altruistic behaviour in schizophrenia and the role of vasopressin
Personal protective equipment in the emergency room and schizophrenia – Implications beyond safety.